Writing Samples
The Crow's Nest

The Crow's Nest is the official news publication of the College of Coastal Georgia. I published over thirty articles during my two semesters with them and edited many more. I also came up with the series, "A Letter to My Freshman Self", as way for our publication to connect with students on a deeper level. It was a series of published letters upperclassmen wrote to their former selves expressing there wishes and warnings for coming (past) years.
- Treasure Hunt, Jekyll Island
- Christmas Mythology, True and False
- A Letter to My Freshman Self
- Me, My Cell, and I
Scribbler's Retreat Writers' Conference

SRWC of Sea Island, Georgia, was voted one of the top ten writer's conferences in the United States by Writer's Digest. I wrote articles for their blog, handled social media marketing, and had the pleasure of meeting some very talented writers during the year I interned plus volunteered for them.
- Sandra Gurvis Bio
Below is the original Power Point presentation which the American Folk Remedies site was based on.
- Original powerpoint